Ever wished you could see the Address or Phone number of a Vendor or Customer in a Related Card displayed inside your workspace without having to click into the related card? Ever wanted to print out select field details from a Related Card along side other fields? Learn how to add these special Lookup fields to your workflow.
Customization is only available in no-code workflows in the library labeled with “Custom”. If the workflow you are using does not have these features, you can ask our team about migrating over to one with these advanced features. These customization features right now are only available on Desktop: please log into your Coast account by visiting app.coastapp.com .
How to Add a New Field:
- Click in the New button in the top right corner.
- Inside the Create page, click on the three dot icon to the left of the Create button. (Please note: this feature is not available from inside an existing card.)
- Select Customize Fields from the dropdown. This is the area that allows you to update how everyone who can access this workspace will see the form.
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Add a field.
- Select from the list the "Single Field Lookup" field.
- Click into the field you just added to configure the field. Select the related card AND the field within that related card you'd like to pull information from. If you do not select both, the field will not be displayed. Click out of the dropdown.
- Optional: rearranged the Lookup field to be close to the original Related Card.
- Click the Save button and your new field will now be visible on your form.